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Benjamin Colton

Global Head of Asset Stewardship

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15 Yrs

Benjamin Colton is Global Head of Asset Stewardship, Voting & Engagement, at State Street Global Advisors (SSGA).

Mr. Colton and his colleagues on the Asset Stewardship Team are responsible for developing and implementing SSGA's global proxy voting policies and guidelines across all investment strategies, and managing SSGA's proxy voting activities and issuer engagement on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Mr. Colton was previously the Asset Stewardship team's Head of Asia Pacific based in Tokyo, Japan. Prior to joining SSGA in 2018, Mr. Colton served as a member of the Active Ownership Team at Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) based in Oslo, Norway and later in New York City, USA.

Mr. Colton earned an Executive Global Master of Science in Management (Distinction) from the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), a Master of Science in Economics from the University of Nevada, and a Bachelor of Science (Distinction) in Economics from The University of Nevada.

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